Jay and Jessi had a small wedding at the Rose Garden at Greenwood Park. I helped out by taking pictures that day.

I needed to take Brody to the ER because he couldn't walk. We couldn't figure out what was wrong and it didn't get better so after a good dose of Codeine, xrays, blood work, and 4 hours in the ER, he miraculously started walking after not for two days. Final diagnosis was no broken bones, and some sort of inflammation in his hip. He is all better now...
We had the softball team and lots of others over to the house for a party. Small keg and lots of Jello shots made with some fine Hawkeye vodka, a cornhole challenge, and just hanging out to celebrate the end of the softball season.
Lexi started walking! Cooper rocks at spelling, needs to work on math. One more football game left. He was asked to be on a basketball team, need to decide if we will do that. Here are some pictures from the pumpkin patch.

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