Sunday, October 26, 2008

Going Out of Town...

Jeff is pheasant hunting today, I am trying to get the house in order because I need to travel to Florida for work Monday am. Tonight we have tickets to Metallica, next week we will see Rain at the Civic Center for my birthday. Last night was Logan's 4th birthday party.

Cooper's last football game was Saturday morning. He scored a touchdown, and got several flags on defense. I missed it, I stayed home with the kids because I thought it would be too cold to take them out. Cooper is working on his first major school project, he needs to recreate a continent with land forms they have been studying. Daddy has been helping him and it is coming along nicely.

Lexi moves to a new room at daycare next week. She will be a grasshopper. Brody pushed her off the steps and she has a battle wound on her forehead.

Brody doesn't think much of wearing his Barney costume. We tried a test fitting yesterday and it didn't go well. Hopefully he will warm up to it by Thursday.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Catching up...

It's been awhile since I have updated. I took Cooper to see Walking with Dinosaurs at the beginning of the month. The live show of the BBC tv series. He quickly surmised the large dinosaurs were mechanical, but the smaller ones were more convincing. It was a good show, the official review from the seven year old - The teradachtyl was lame, and there should have been more dinosaur fights and kills.

Jay and Jessi had a small wedding at the Rose Garden at Greenwood Park. I helped out by taking pictures that day.

I needed to take Brody to the ER because he couldn't walk. We couldn't figure out what was wrong and it didn't get better so after a good dose of Codeine, xrays, blood work, and 4 hours in the ER, he miraculously started walking after not for two days. Final diagnosis was no broken bones, and some sort of inflammation in his hip. He is all better now...

We had the softball team and lots of others over to the house for a party. Small keg and lots of Jello shots made with some fine Hawkeye vodka, a cornhole challenge, and just hanging out to celebrate the end of the softball season.

Lexi started walking! Cooper rocks at spelling, needs to work on math. One more football game left. He was asked to be on a basketball team, need to decide if we will do that. Here are some pictures from the pumpkin patch.