It turned cold this weekend. I am not ready for winter. Halloween was last week and it was unseasonably warm for Beggar's night. Surprisingly, Brody ended up wearing his costume, but drew the line at wearing the hat part. We took him trick or treating just in the cul-de-sac, and he caught on pretty quickly to put out his bag and he would get candy. At some point he decided to start giving back, he would select some things from his bag, give it to the person handing out candy, say bye, and run away. So by the time we got home his bag was empty, because he had given away all the candy he collected. He had fun, and Cooper got enough candy for everyone anyway.
In other Brody news, he got a haircut, and didn't bite the girl so I don't think we are banned from that Great Clips yet. He also out of the blue decided to go potty on the toilet this weekend. We haven't started potty training, and in my excitement didn't expect him to follow up his business, by washing his hands in the toilet. Oh well, baby steps.
I was looking for some old pictures and found these: