I took Lexi and Brody to Target this morning to have their one year \ two year pictures taken. Of course Brody was a wild man and would not sit anywhere near Lexi. So they didn't get any of them together, but she was able to get some good ones of them individually.
In other news, Jeff got a new contract last week with an insurance company, so he will be finishing up at the State next week.
We will be getting bids soon to remodel the dining room, I found some french doors that will work for the entry way, need to find new light fixtures and decide on a paint color and carpet.
Cubs made the playoffs, Go Cubs Go!
We got tickets for Metallica this week, and Jeff is taking Cooper to his first concert in November - AC\DC.
Here are some new layouts, not feeling particularly creative so these are some quick and easy ones. I would probably have a heart attack if all three kids actually sat together, looked at the camera and smiled at the same time. Oh well, it is fall so I am on my quest for a picture suitable for a Christmas card.